Can we use the GINGER in different method of medicinal purposes?

 Medicinal plant ginger 

    >Introduction          Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable rise in the usage of alternative or "natural" treatments. In the belief that these drugs will have a positive effect, an increasing number of older persons (i.e., baby boomers) are utilizing complementary and alternative medicine nutritional supplements and herbal medicines without a doctor's recommendations. this  may not be a safe or wise course of action, though. For instance, a recent survey at least suggested that there was a big issue with herb-chemotherapeutic drug interactions in cancer patients, and that at least 50% of the herbal medicines these patients used lacked scientific data indicating any potential interactions.

              Ginger may ease nausea and vomiting as well as improve digestion. Ginger root contains antioxidants and other elements that may help treat or prevent rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, and different infections. Additionally, ginger may lower the chance of developing diabetes, cancer, and other illnesses.

    Learn more about these and other potential health advantages of ginger in this article, as well as the scientific evidence supporting them.

    Different types of ginger 

    1. Zingiber ofcinale, sometimes known as common ginger

    Ginger is a crucial spice that is used in both food and medicinal.

    2. Beehive Ginger (Zingiber spectabilis)

    The plant is also known as Malaysian ginger and ginger wort.
    Due to its unique inflorescences, which resemble beehives, the plant is more commonly referred to as "beehive ginger" in the West.
    3. Zingiber zerumbet, sometimes known as bitter ginger
    Pinecone ginger, Lempoyang ginger, and Shampoo ginger are some of its common names.  Shampoo is where bitter ginger is most frequently used.
    4. Myoga Ginger Zingiber mioga
    Japanese ginger, among others
    Myoga Cooks use the blooms and branches of ginger.
    5. Crepe Ginger Cheilocostus speciosus Botanical Name
    The flowers and buds have a strong flavor and are edible.
    6. Hidden Ginger Curcuma petiolata is its botanical name
    Queen Lily, Siam Tulip, and Hidden Lily are some of its other names.
    Malaysia is the plant's native land of Hidden Ginger. It tastes unpleasant as well as quite spicy.
    7. Hedychium coronarium is the botanical name for the butterfly lily ginger.
    The common names for this plant are White Ginger, Flor De Mariposa, Mariposa Blanca, and Dolan Champa.It has scented flowers with wings that mimic butterflies. The essential oil of this plant is beneficial for fevers, and its spicy roots are used to spice soupy foods.
    8. Shell Ginger Name of the plant: Alpinia zerumbet
    Also known as Getto plant and variegated ginger.
    Its blossoms give forth a pleasant scent. This plant's leaves are utilized in food preparation.
    9. Globba winitii, or "Dancing Ladies Ginger"
    It also goes by the name White Dragon Flower.
    This flowering plant is distinct.

    10. botanical name for yellow ginger is Hedychium flavescens.
    "Cream Garland Lillie" and "Yellow Ginger Lily" are just a few of the names that have been used for it.
    Gardeners frequently grow yellow ginger. They lack the flavor of normal gingers, though.
    11. Botanical name for red ginger: Alpinia purpurata
    Ostrich plumes
    , Pink cone ginger, Jungle King, Teuila flower, and Tahitian ginger are some of the other names for ginger.Although it has a potent spicy scent, its vivid red or pink bracted blossoms are what make it famous.
    12. Torch Ginger Etlingera elatior is its scientific name
    Wild ginger, Combrang, Bunga kantan, Philippine waxflower, Red ginger lily, and Rose de porcelain are some of the various names for torch ginger.
    Large, vibrant flowers in vivid colors are seen on this lovely tropical plant.
    13. Mango Ginger Curcuma amada is its botanical name
    Mavina Shunti
    is also known as
    The rhizomes taste like fresh mango yet are extremely similar to regular ginger and lack its pungency.
    14. The botanical name of kahili ginger is Hedychium gardnerianum.
    Other names for it include garland flower and fragrant ginger lily.
    The Himalayan areas are the native home of this plant. It belongs to the ginger family and blooms.
    15. Alpinia galanga, often known as Thai GingerGreater galangal, Ginseng ginger, Krachai Dum ginger, Lengkuas, and Blue ginger are some of its other names.
    16.Thai ginger rhizomes are employed in unani medicine.
    Pineapple Ginger 

    Tapeinochilos ananassae is the botanical name.
    Other names for this plant are Lipstick ginger and Indonesian wax ginger.
    It features yellow blooms enclosed in red bracts and evergreen leaves.

    17. Kaempferia rotunda is the scientific name for resurrection lily.

    Other names for this plant include Round-rooted galangal, Indian crocus, Variegated ginger lily, and Peacock ginger.
    It is a shrub with striking foliage and blossoms that resemble lilies. The flowers smell good.

    18. Curcuma alismatifolia, often known as the Siam Tulip

    Its name is Summer Tulip, Pink Ginger Tulip.
    It produces pink flowers with reddish undertones. It may be grown inside and is also offered for sale as a cut flower.
    19. Snap Ginger Botanical Name:Alpinia calcarata
    It also goes by the names cardamom ginger and Indian ginger. The aroma of Snap Gingers' leaves is sweet and calming, not unlike the aroma of cinnamon bark.
    benefits for many disorders.


    Ginger may be antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Here are a few possible medical applications for ginger.

    1. In the digestive system and gasses

    • Numerous research have looked into how ginger affects the gasses that develop in the intestines during digestion.
    •  According to this research, ginger's enzymes can help break up and evacuate this gas, relieving any discomfort.
    • Additionally, studies suggest that ginger may promote gastrointestinal motility, which could alleviate or prevent constipation
    • It also goes by the names cardamom ginger and Indian ginger. The aroma of Snap Gingers' leaves is sweet and calming, not unlike the aroma of cinnamon bark.

    • Additionally, ginger seems to have positive impacts.dependable source on the pancreatic lipase enzyme, which facilitates small intestine digestion.

    2. Relieves nausea

    • Ginger can reduce nausea brought on by cancer therapy and help with morning sickness.
    • Odor-producing mechanisms Shogaols and gingerols are good at stopping nausea and vomiting. 
    • Nevertheless, depending on the type of ginger, the concentrations of various substances can change.
    •  The highest amounts of gingerol, according to the researchers, were found in dried ginger, followed by fresh ginger and powdered ginger tea.
    • The evaluation looked at one research with 576 adult cancer patients. The researchers discovered that doses of 0.5 grams (g) and 1.0 g significantly reduced nausea.

    3.Improving immunological function

    • A lot of people use ginger to speed up their recovery from the flu or a cold. However, the most of the evidence for this use is anecdotal.
    • In an earlier study Trusted Source, scientists looked at how fresh and dried ginger affected a particular respiratory virus in human cells.
    •  The findings indicate that while dried ginger did not have the same effect as fresh ginger, it may aid to protect the respiratory system.
    • The immune system may be supported by regular ginger ingestion.
    •  This could help people recover from other illnesses like the common cold or flu as well as prevent chronic disease.   

    4.In inflammation 

    • According to a 2015 review, ingesting ginger reduces inflammation brought on by osteoarthritis while being "reasonably safe" and "modestly efficacious."
    • Ginger's phytochemicals may help to reduce inflammation. Additionally, these writers urged for more investigation into the dosages and varieties of ginger extract that are most efficient.

    5. In weight control

    • Studies on humans and animals suggest that ginger may aid in weight loss when it comes to controlling one's weight.
    • In patients who were overweight or obese, taking ginger supplements dramatically lowered body weight, the waist-hip ratio, and the hip ratio.
    • Ginger may have a positive impact on weight loss through a number of ways, including its capability to lower inflammation.

    6. Can help in osteoarthritis

    • Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by joint deterioration and manifests as symptoms including stiffness and discomfort in the joints.
    • According to one study, ginger may lessen discomfort and impairment.Depending on the study, the participants consumed 0.5–1 grams of ginger daily for 3–12 weeks. Most of them had been given a knee OA diagnosis.

    7. May improve heart disease risk factors and lower blood sugar

    • According to certain studies, ginger may have anti-diabetic benefits.
    • The findings did not imply that taking ginger supplements will change the lipid profile.
    • Additionally, the researchers discovered evidence that ginger can lower HbA1c in persons with type 2 diabetes; however, they did not draw the conclusion that it can drop fasting blood sugar levels.

    8. May be used to relieve persistent indigestion

    • By accelerating the movement of food through the stomach, ginger may help treat indigestion.
    • Functional dyspepsia is indigestion that occurs for unknown reasons and manifests as nausea, belching, abdominal pain, bloating, and a feeling of being overstuffed. The condition frequently coexists with IBS.When compared to taking a placebo, having a ginger and artichoke combination before a large meal dramatically reduced indigestion symptoms in persons with functional dyspepsia.

    9. Reduce menstrual pain

    • Menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, may be relieved with ginger.
    • According to some studies, ginger may be more helpful at reducing menstruation pain than acetaminophen, caffeine, and ibuprofen (Novafen).

    10.  May help to lower cholesterol levels

    • A higher risk of heart disease is associated with high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
    • Researchers have shown that eating ginger dramatically lowers triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol. Even daily dosages lower than 1,500 mg were efficient.
    • It could be challenging to incorporate such large dosages of ginger into your diet, especially if you don't enjoy the flavor of ginger.

    11. Might lower cancer risk

    • Due to gingerol and other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components, ginger may have anticancer benefits.
    • According to some research, these substances may help lower the risk of gastrointestinal malignancies such colorectal, pancreatic, and liver cancer.
    • 20 participants in one research with a high risk of colon cancer consumed 2 g of ginger every day for 28 days. The participant's intestinal lining exhibited less cancer-like alterations than was predicted at the conclusion of the trial.
    • The majority of research on ginger and cancer risk, however, has not included human subjects.

    12. Prevention of Alzheimer's 

    • According to some research, the ginger constituents 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol may aid in the prevention of degenerative illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
    • Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive loss may be significantly influenced by oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
    • According to several animal studiesTrusted Source, ginger's bioactive components and antioxidants may be able to reduce brain inflammation. This might delay cognitive aging.

    Unlikely to be efficient for

    • muscle aches brought on by exercising. Ginger taken orally does not lessen or stop muscle soreness brought on physical activity.
    • getting dizzy.
    •  Motion sickness is not avoided by ingesting ginger up to 4 hours before travel.
    • Although there is interest in utilizing ginger for a variety of additional conditions, there is not enough trustworthy data to determine whether it will be beneficial.

    dangers and negative effects

    • Most people can safely consume ginger in moderation.
    • However, some persons may experience the following symptoms when taking it in big doses:

    1. digestive discomfort
    2. heartburn
    3. diarrhea
    4. throat and mouth discomfort
    • While it is probably safe to use while pregnant or nursing, it is important to first consult a healthcare provider.


              Ginger is probably safe to eat while pregnant when added to food. When used orally as medicine during pregnancy, it might be safe. Some professionals advise against using it close to the delivery date because it could raise the chance of bleeding. However, it seems to be safe to take for morning sickness without endangering the unborn child. Before consuming ginger while pregnant, see your healthcare professional. Ginger is probably safe when used in food during nursing.
             There isn't enough trustworthy data to determine whether ingesting more ginger when nursing is safe. Avoid use to be on the safe side. 

            Children: When consumed orally for up to 4 days around the beginning of their period, ginger may be safe for teenagers. Disorders of bleeding: Taking ginger may make you more prone to bleeding.


           High dosages of ginger may make certain heart problems worse. During surgery, ginger may prevent blood clots. It could lead to more bleeding both during and after surgery. At least two weeks before the procedure, stop using ginger.
    special warnings and precautions
    GINGER Precaustions don't presently have any information available.

    Interactions ?

    Generally Speaking
    With this combo, use caution.

    GINGER interacts with blood coagulation medications (anticoagulant/antiplatelet medicines).

    Blood coagulation may be slowed by ginger. If you take ginger together with drugs that also weaken blood coagulation, you run a higher risk of bleeding and bruising.

    GINGER interacts with phenprocoumon (Marcoumar, other drugs).

    Blood clotting is slowed down with phenprocoumon. Blood clotting can be slowed down by ginger. Combining ginger with phenprocoumon may make it more likely that you will bruise and bleed. Make sure to routinely get your blood tested. Your phenprocoumon dosage may need to be adjusted.

    Warfarin (Coumadin) and GINGER interact

    The drug warfarin is used to prevent blood clots. Blood clotting can be slowed down by ginger. Warfarin and ginger together may increase the likelihood of bleeding and bruising. Make sure to routinely get your blood tested. Your warfarin dosage may need to be adjusted.
    Procardia's nifedipine interacts with GINGER
    When taken with nifedipine, ginger may delay blood coagulation and raise the risk of bleeding and bruising.

    Cooperation between GINGER and Losartan (Cozaar)

    The body might absorb more losartan when ginger is added. Combining ginger and losartan may intensify its effects and adverse effects.

    Typical Interaction

    Take care when using this combination.

    GINGER interacts with diabetic medications (anti-diabetes medicines).

    Ginger may help control blood sugar. Combining ginger with diabetes drugs may result in dangerously low blood sugar levels. Keep a watchful eye on your blood sugar.

    GINGER interacts with medications for high blood pressure (calcium channel blockers.)

    Blood pressure might be lowered with finger. Blood pressure may drop too low if ginger is taken alongside blood pressure-lowering medicines. Keep a tight eye on your blood pressure.

    Cyclosporine interacts with GINGER (Neoral, Sandimmune).

    The amount of cyclosporine that is absorbed by the body could be increased by ingesting ginger two hours before taking cyclosporine. The negative effects of cyclosporine may worsen as a result. However, when taken concurrently, ginger does not appear to have an impact on how much cyclosporine is absorbed by the body.

    GINGER and metronidazole (Flagyl) interact.

    The body can absorb more metronidazole if ginger is added. Metronidazole's effects and adverse effects may be exacerbated if ginger is also taken.

    Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided solely for educational reasons and is not meant to replace professional medical care. The reader should speak with their doctor to evaluate whether the information is appropriate for their circumstance because everyone has different needs.
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