How to use Aloevera in health care, side effects and precautions



The gel found in aloe plants is called aloe vera. For thousands of years, people have used it to soothe and soften the skin. Aloe has also long been used as a traditional remedy for a variety of illnesses, such as skin problems and constipation. Aloe vera has been the subject of conflicting studies in the present, with some finding that it can give lab animals cancer.

Aloe vera cannot be consumed naturally; it must be consumed as a supplement or gel.

While continuous usage of aloe vera is not recommended, some varieties are safer to consume than others.

कुमारी शीतला तिक्ता मधुरा भेदनी जये। गुल्मप्लीयकृदद्धि कफचरहरी हरेत ग्रन्ध्याग्निदग्यविस्फोटपित्तरक्तत्वगामयान्॥ चक्षुध्या विधवातघ्नी बलकारका वृष्या रसायनी॥

वातपित्तकृमिहर कुमारी कफसुमं गुरु। - कै.नि औषधि वर्ग (1639-1640)

The properties of aloe vera are Sita (cool), Tikta (bitter), and Bhedan (laxative). It aids in enhancing liver function. It offers positive outcomes for burning feelings and other skin issues. Aloe vera is beneficial for the eyes when used frequently. It helps the body fight off infections by enhancing immunity. This is as a result of its renewing (Rasayana) quality. Aloe vera is also useful for treating worm infestation and regulating Vata-Pitta-Kapha.

Aloe Vera grows wildly in tropical climate and it's also cultivated due to it's agricultural and medicinal value.

It is also known as mussabar,Kumari, and aloes.


Aloe barbadensis Mill.

Aloe barbadensis var. chinensis Haw.

Aloe chinensis (Haw.) Baker

Aloe elongata Murray

Aloe flava Pers.

Aloe indica Royle

Aloe lanzae Tod.

Aloe maculata Forssk. (illegitimate)

Aloe perfoliata var. vera L.

Aloe rubescens DC.

Aloe variegata Forssk. (illegitimate)

Aloe vera Mill. (illegitimate)

Aloe vera var. chinensis (Haw.) A. Berger

Aloe vera var. lanzae Baker

Aloe vera var. littoralis J.Koenig ex Baker

Aloe vulgaris Lam.

Madicinal uses:-

  • It's gel is stabilized and added with a preservatives to be used in form of pure gel or applied as a lotion.
  • Ointment of Aloe gel is used in treatment of skin irritations, burns causes by sun,heat and radiation.
  • It's gel is effectively used in stomach and mouth ulcer.
  • It's gel is also helpful in treatment of burns and aiding wound healing.
  • It serve as soothing and immunostimulating agent.
  • It's gel is also helpful in the form of antibacterial activity because of possess anthraquinone derivatives.
  • It shows antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, emollients and mositurising effect,thus can be used dermatologically.
  • On it's fresh leaves pulp has antioxidants property.
  • It's Cream effectively reduce the clinical symptoms of psoriasis and UV - indused erythema.

Uses and benefits 

1.Aloe Vera Juice for Losing Weight

Losing weight is difficult for those who have an unhealthy gut. In order to promote good digestion, metabolism, and excretion, aloe vera can be used as a digestive aid.
Aloe vera's laxative qualities promote thorough digestion and lessen water retention. The two metabolic processes can both benefit from aloe vera. Aloe vera is quite effective in burning fat because it contains enzymes and B-vitamins.
Aloe vera may help prevent obesity, according to a research. Your body automatically goes into detox mode when you are actively trying to lose weight. Additionally, acemannan, a complex carbohydrate found in aloe vera, aids in the detoxification process. Aloe vera is therefore excellent for detoxifying in addition to having laxative effects.

2.:Reduces Constipation

In addition to being painful, constipation can harm the digestive and intestinal systems. Aloe vera juice can be used as a natural laxative to aid in moving bulk through the digestive system. 
Anthraquinones are found in the latex or the area of the plant between the skin and the gel. It is a substance that gives rise to the laxative action. According to a study, aloe vera has a more profoundly significant effect on constipation. Unquestionably, aloe latex is a superb natural treatment for constipation, increasing intestinal fluid and softening feces.
To allow your body to adjust to the laxative effects, start out with a small dose if you're using aloe vera juice for constipation.

3. Assists with heartburn

When stomach acid rises into the oesophagus, it causes heartburn or acid reflux. Juice from aloe vera helps soothe the stomach and reduce heartburn. Additionally, it aids in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

The assertion is supported by research done on 79 GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder) patients. The outcome demonstrates that aloe vera was secure, well-tolerated, and decreased the frequency of all the GERD symptoms evaluated. Furthermore, there were no negative side effects that called for discontinuation.

4. Supplies water

For general health, hydration is essential. Juice made from aloe vera is a great substitute for unhealthy fruit juices and drinks with added sugar. Aloe vera juice is low in calories and sugar, so you can drink it straight or combine it with other things.Aloe vera juice is low in calories and sugar, making it suitable for both direct consumption and blending with other juices and smoothies.

5. Maintains Liver Health

Aloe vera juice is hydrating and full in phytonutrients. Only when the body is properly hydrated can our liver function correctly. Aloe vera juice keeps the body's water content stable and aids in liver detoxification.

6.Enhances Skin Health

A water-based moisturizer with beneficial effects on the skin is aloe vera gel. The protein collagen is crucial for giving the skin shape and suppleness. According to a study, topically using aloe vera gel can boost the skin's collagen production.
Additionally, there is some evidence that aloe vera can help with psoriasis and other skin disorders like erythema (skin redness).

7. Digestive Aids

Our bodies' fat and sugar are broken down with the aid of aloe vera. It maintains the health of our intestines and regulates the generation of stomach acid. Additionally, it encourages the development of healthy bacteria in our stomach. Include aloe vera juice regularly in your diet if you experience any stomach problems.

Irritable bowel syndrome has also been effectively treated with aloe vera. It facilitates digestion and aids in the prevention and treatment of digestive problems.

8. Vitamin C-rich

Vitamin C is abundant in aloe vera. For a stronger immune system, vitamin C is crucial. 
Additionally essential to the body's ability to absorb iron is vitamin C.

9. Reduce Gum Inflammation 

Plaque buildup must be avoided if cavities and other dental problems including gingivitis and abscessed teeth are to be avoided. Plaque in the mouth is mostly brought on by Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. These two types of bacteria and yeast are the focus of the antibacterial substances found in aloe vera.

In a study, chlorhexidine, a common component in mouthwash intended for medical use, was compared to aloe vera juice. Plaque-reduction studies have shown that aloe juice is just as efficient as mouthwash.

10. Keep Blood Sugar Under Control 

There are "some" positive effects of aloe vera in treating illnesses like prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

According to a study, aloe vera in both liquid and powder form boosted respondents' ability to control their blood sugar levels.

According to a second study, pre-diabetic patients who use aloe vera extract can reverse their decreased blood glucose levels in just four weeks. It might, however, improve their aberrant lipid profile after eight weeks.

11. Regulates Enzymatic Activity

Magnesium is found in aloe vera. Our body needs magnesium to carry out roughly 300 enzymatic activities. Therefore, the human body will not adequately carry out its enzymatic processes without the right amount of magnesium.

12. Regulates the nervous system  

For our neurological system to work properly, our bodies need magnesium. Magnesium is abundant in aloe vera. As a result, it aids in controlling our body's nervous system. Our nervous system includes the brain, nerves, spinal cord, and other structures. And magnesium is essential for the efficient operation of our nervous system.

13.Alkalises The Body 

The proper operation of the human body depends on the balance of acidity and alkalinity. Our bodies are susceptible to a wide range of illnesses if there is an imbalance between acidity and alkalinity.

Our bodies should ideally be 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. This equilibrium in our bodies is maintained by food. Aloe vera aids in maintaining equilibrium by keeping the body alkaline. 
Aloe vera works to prevent illness and maintain our health in this way.

14. Aids in Detoxification

Aloe vera naturally has a gel-like consistency rather than a watery one. It passes through the digestive lining when ingested like juice. All the poisons are absorbed throughout this process. All of these ingested poisons are expelled from the body because aloe vera aids in the conversion of the bulk to stool. It is reasonable to conclude that aloe vera cleanses and detoxifies our bodies.

15. Removes blemishes and acne

Auxin and gibberellin, which are found in aloe vera, are plant hormones that lessen and treat acne and blemishes. They assist in eradicating skin issues and cell regeneration. 
Even internally, aloe vera acts to nourish the skin by supplying vital vitamins and minerals.

16. Treats Psoriasis and Eczema

The lignin found in aloe vera can penetrate up to seven layers of skin and remove toxins from the skin. Eczema and psoriasis are treatable with lignin.

17. Analgesic and Antibacterial

Salicylic acid, a substance similar to aspirin, is found in aloe vera. Salicylic acid has strong analgesic and antibacterial effects that help combat interior microorganisms while reducing pain.

Chemical composition :- 

Chemical structure
Four distinct Aloe plant sections (peel, flowers, gel, and roots) were chemically characterized using liquid chromatography linked to PDA and high-resolution mass spectrometry. The discovery of 25 phenolic compounds included cinnamic acids and their derivatives (such as caffeic and chlorogenic acids), chromones (such as aloesin and isoaloeresin D), anthracene compounds and derivatives (such as aloin A/B and emodin), and several C-flavonoids (such as orientin and isovitexin), among others.

ALOE Vera is made up of 30% of aloin which is a mixture of barbaloin,Beta-barbaloin, and isobarbaloin isomers.barbaloin is a crystalline glycoside which is present in all the four Verities of Aloe and is slightly yellow coloured, bitter in teste, and water soluble.

Nutritional value of Aloe Vera 

It is an excellent source of:

Vitamin C, A, and E
Folic acid
One glass (100 ml) of pure aloe vera juice contains:
Aloe vera is rich in nutrients. It contains essential vitamins and minerals for our body.
Calories: 8
Protein: 0 gm
Fat: 0 gram
Carbohydrates: 2 grams
Fibre: 0 grams


Adults have consumed a variety of aloe products. These include aloe liquids, gels, extracts, and uncooked aloe leaves. A variety of aloe products, including gels, creams, mouthwashes, and topical treatments, have been used on the skin by both adults and kids. Find out from a healthcare professional what kind of product and dosage might be ideal for a certain condition.

Adverse consequences(side effects) is 

 Aloe vera applied topically could irritate your skin. Aloe vera used orally might have a laxative effect and result in cramps and diarrhea. People who consume aloe vera for a prolonged period of time may experience electrolyte imbalances in their blood as a result of this. Additionally, it may discolor the colon, making a colonoscopy difficult to perform. Therefore, refrain from it for a month prior to a colonoscopy. Aloin, which can irritate the digestive tract, should not be present in aloe vera gel intended for topical or oral use.
Risks. Deep cuts and serious burns shouldn't be treated with topical aloe vera. Aloe allergies are more common in people who are allergic to tulips, garlic, or onions. high aloe vera dosages taken orally.
Aloe vera taken orally in high concentrations might be harmful. If you have digestive issues, heart disease, hemorrhoids, kidney issues, diabetes, or electrolyte imbalances, avoid using oral aloe vera.Aloe Vera Dangers
Consult your physician before using it. Researchers advise against using aloe vera on a regular basis. However, if the aloe vera product is free of aloin, a plant component that has been linked to colon cancer in rats, it might be safe to use as a topical sunburn cure. Between the aloe plant's outer leaf and its interior gel is where aloin is located.


Advice from Experts
1. Prolong use of Aloe vera for laxative effects may induce diarrhea and cramping.
2. Aloe vera might prolong the bleeding time. Caution is advised in patients with bleeding disorders or taking drugs that may increase the risk of bleeding.
3. Avoid the intake of Aloe vera gel with Castor oil as it may cause diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Avoid Aloe vera during diarrhea because it can worsen the condition. This is due to its Rechana (laxative) property.

  • Take Aloe vera with caution during irritable bowel disease because of its Rechana (laxative) property.


scientificMODERN SCIENCE VIEWPeople who are allergic to garlic, onions or other plants of the family Liliaceae may also be allergic to Aloe vera. In such cases, consult a doctor before using Aloe vera.


Avoid Aloe vera if you are breastfeeding as it is found to be unsafe.

Patients with diabetes

Aloe vera may lower the blood glucose levels. So it is generally advised to monitor the sugar levels regularly while taking Aloe vera along with other anti-diabetic drugs.

Patients with kidney diseases.

Aloe vera might cause low potassium levels and electrolyte imbalance. So it is generally advised to monitor the potassium levels while taking Aloe vera.


Avoid Aloe vera during pregnancy as it may cause a miscarriage by increasing uterine contractions.

Interactions ?

Principal Interaction
Avoid consuming this mixture.

ALOE and Digoxin (Lanoxin) interact

Aloe latex is a form of laxative known as a stimulant laxative when taken orally. Laxatives with stimulants may cause the body's potassium levels to drop. Digoxin side effects can become more likely in people with low potassium levels.

Generally Speaking
With this combo, use caution.

ALOE interacts with diabetic medications (anti-diabetes medicines).

Blood sugar levels may be lowered with aloe gel. Aloe consumption along with diabetes treatments may result in dangerously low blood sugar levels. Keep a watchful eye on your blood sugar.

ALOE and stimulant laxatives interact

A stimulant laxative is a type of laxative that uses aloe latex. Diarrhea and low potassium levels are possible side effects of stimulant laxatives.
Aloe latex may increase diarrhea and result in extremely low potassium levels when taken with other stimulant laxatives.

ALOE and warfarin (Coumadin) interact

A stimulant laxative is a type of laxative that uses aloe latex. Laxatives that stimulate the bowels can speed up diarrhea in some persons. Warfarin's effects can be exacerbated by diarrhea, which also raises the possibility of bleeding. Avoid taking excessive amounts of aloe latex if you take warfarin.

ALOE interacts with diuretic medications like water tablets.

A laxative is aloe latex. Some laxatives raise the risk of diarrhea while lowering potassium levels. Potassium levels can also be lowered using "water pills". Aloe latex used with "water pills" may cause potassium levels to go dangerously low.

ALOE interacts with medications (anticoagulant/antiplatelet medicines) that slow blood coagulation.

Blood clotting may be slowed by aloe. Aloe may enhance the risk of bleeding and bruising when combined with drugs that help reduce blood coagulation.


One nutritious beverage to have in the morning is aloe vera juice. It is loaded with minerals and health advantages. To get all the advantages, drink aloe vera juice twice daily. Aloe vera juice oxidizes quickly, though. As a result, you should make the juice as soon as the leaf's pulp is removed. 

Aloe vera has many great health advantages, but it also has some drawbacks. To avoid severe diarrhoea and stomach issues, make careful to remove the latex from the leaves before producing aloe vera juice.

Aloe vera juice should be avoided by expectant mothers since it can lead to labor pains and contractions. Before consuming aloe vera juice, seek medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting, or stomach issues. 

To prevent negative effects, always consume it in moderation. Too much aloe vera juice can cause electrolyte imbalances, diarrhea, and kidney problems.

Aloe vera juice should be consumed in moderation, like other good things. Please be warned that online talk cannot always be relied upon. Therefore, be aware of your health and just add the healthy things if they are appropriate for you.


The information on this website is provided solely for educational reasons and is not meant to replace professional medical care. The reader should speak with their doctor to evaluate whether the information is appropriate for their circumstance because everyone has different needs.

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