How to use aloevera in medicine, potential risks, and precautions

 How to use aloevera in medicine, potential risks, and precautions 


Aloe vera refers to the gel that is present in aloe plants. It has been used for thousands of years to soften and calm skin. Aloe has also been used traditionally for a long time to treat a wide range of ailments, including constipation and skin issues. There have been conflicting research conducted recently on aloe vera; some have found that it can cause cancer in lab animals.

Aloe vera needs to be taken as a supplement or gel because it cannot be ingested normally.

While using aloe vera continuously is not advised, some types are safer to ingest than others.

कुमारी शीतला तिक्ता मधुरा भेदनी जये। गुल्मप्लीयकृदद्धि कफचरहरी हरेत ग्रन्ध्याग्निदग्यविस्फोटपित्तरक्तत्वगामयान्॥ चक्षुध्या विधवातघ्नी बलकारका वृष्या रसायनी॥

वातपित्तकृमिहर कुमारी कफसुमं गुरु। - कै.नि औषधि वर्ग (1639-1640)

Aloe vera has three qualities: Bhedan (a laxative), Tikta (bitter), and Sita (cool). It helps to improve hepatic function. It provides relief from burning sensations and other skin problems. Regular usage of aloe vera has benefits for the eyes. It boosts immunity, which aids the body in warding off illnesses. This is because of its rejuvenating (Rasayana) characteristic. Aloe vera is also helpful in controlling Vata-Pitta-Kapha and treating worm infestations.

Aloe Vera is grown for its agricultural and therapeutic properties, and it grows naturally in tropical climates.

It goes by the names aloes, kumari, and mussabar as well.


Aloe barbadensis Mill synonyms.

Var. chinensis Aloe barbadensis Haw.

Baker's Aloe chinensis (Haw.)

Murray's aloe elongata

Aloe vera Pers.

Aloe indica Royle

Aloe lanzae Tod.

Forssk's Aloe maculata (illegitimate)

Vera L. Aloe perfoliata var.

Aloe rubescens DC.

Forssk, Aloe variegata (illegitimate)

Aloe vera Mill. (unlawful)

Hawthorn's Aloe vera var. chinensis A. Berger

Baker's Aloe Vera var. Lanzae

Vera aloe var. littoralis J. Koenig alias Baker

Aloe vulgaris Lam.

Uses for medicinal purposes 

gel: Its gel is stabilized and given preservatives so that it can be applied as a lotion or used as pure gel.

Aloe gel ointment is used to treat burns and skin irritations brought on by heat, radiation, and the sun.

Its gel works well for treating oral and stomach ulcers.

Additionally useful for treating burns and promoting wound healing is its gel.

It functions as an immunostimulating and calming substance.

Because its gel contains derivatives of anthraquinone, it also has antibacterial properties.

It has moisturizing, emollient, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for use in dermatology.

Fresh leaf pulp possesses antioxidant properties.

Its Cream successfully lessens UV-induced erythema and psoriasis clinical symptoms.

Applications and advantages 

1. Drinking Aloe Vera Juice to Lose Weight

For people with an unhealthy digestive tract, losing weight might be challenging. Aloe vera can be used as a digestive aid to support healthy metabolism, excretion, and digestion.

The laxative properties of aloe vera aid in full digestion and reduce water retention. Aloe vera has benefits for both of the metabolic processes. Aloe vera has B vitamins and enzymes, which make it a very powerful fat burner.

Based on research, aloe vera may help reduce obesity. When you are actively trying to reduce weight, your body goes into detox mode immediately. Furthermore, aloe vera contains acemannan, a complex carbohydrate that helps in detoxification. For this reason, aloe vera is great for detoxification in addition to its laxative properties.

2.: Lessens Indigestion

Constipation can damage the intestinal and digestive systems in addition to being painful. Aloe vera juice can help move mass through the digestive system by acting as a natural laxative. 

The latex or the part of the plant that is between the skin and the gel is where anthraquinones are located. It is the material responsible for the laxative effect. 

Aloe vera has a more fundamentally significant effect on constipation, according to a study. Aloe latex is without a doubt an excellent natural remedy for constipation since it increases intestinal fluid and softens stools.

If you're taking aloe vera juice for constipation, start with a tiny quantity so your body can get used to the laxative effects.

3. Helps alleviate heartburn

Heartburn, often known as acid reflux, is caused when stomach acid rises into the oesophagus. Aloe vera juice relieves upset stomachs and lessens heartburn. It also assists in the management of gastric ulcers.

Research on 79 people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) corroborates the claim. The result shows that aloe vera was safe, well-tolerated, and reduced the frequency of every GERD symptom that was assessed. Moreover, there were no unfavorable side effects that required stopping.

4. Provides water

It's crucial to stay hydrated for overall wellness. Aloe vera juice is a fantastic alternative to sugar-filled drinks and harmful fruit juices. Aloe vera juice can be consumed on its own or mixed with other foods because it is low in calories and sugar.Because aloe vera juice is low in calories and sugar, it can be mixed with other juices and smoothies or consumed on its own.

5. Preserves Hepatic Function

Juice from aloe vera plants is rich in phytonutrients and moisturizing. Our livers can only operate effectively when the body is well hydrated. Aloe vera juice helps cleanse the liver and maintains a constant water balance in the body.

6. Promotes Skin Wellness

Aloe vera gel is a water-based moisturizer that is good for the skin. Collagen is an essential protein that gives the skin its suppleness and form. A study found that using aloe vera gel topically can increase the skin's production of collagen.

Aloe vera may also be beneficial for psoriasis and other skin conditions such as erythema (redness of the skin), according to some research.

7. Intestinal Maladies

Aloe vera helps break down sugar and fat in our systems. It keeps our intestines healthy and controls the production of stomach acid. It also promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in our stomachs. If you have gastrointestinal issues, make sure to include aloe vera juice in your diet on a daily basis.

Aloe vera has also been successfully used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in the prevention and treatment of digestive issues as well as digestion.

8. High in vitamin C

Aloe vera is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for a robust immune system. 

Vitamin C is also necessary for the body to be able to absorb iron.

9. Diminish Inflammation of Gums 


If cavities and other dental issues like gingivitis and abscessed teeth are to be avoided, plaque buildup must be prevented. Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans are the main causes of oral plaque. The antibacterial compounds in aloe vera target these two kinds of bacteria and yeast.

Aloe vera juice and chlorhexidine, a common ingredient in mouthwash meant for medical use, were compared in a study. Plaque-reduction tests have revealed that aloe juice is just as efficient as mouthwash.

10. Keep Blood Sugar Under Control 

Aloe vera has "some" beneficial effects in the treatment of conditions including type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

A study found that using aloe vera in liquid or powder form improved the participants' capacity to regulate their blood sugar levels.

A second study found that aloe vera extract users can cure their lower blood glucose levels in as little as four weeks. These patients are pre-diabetic. After eight weeks, though, it might help with their abnormal lipid profile.

11. Controls the Enzymatic Process

Aloe vera contains magnesium.For almost 300 enzymatic processes, our body need magnesium. 🌄Therefore, without the proper quantity of magnesium, the human body cannot properly perform its enzymatic functions.

12. Controls the neurological system  

Our bodies require magnesium in order for our nervous system to function correctly. Aloe vera has a lot of magnesium. Consequently, it helps to regulate the neurological system in our bodies. The brain, nerves, spinal cord, and other elements make up our nervous system. Furthermore, magnesium is necessary for our nervous system to function effectively.

13. Adjusts the body's pH 

The equilibrium between acidity and alkalinity is necessary for the human body to function properly. If our bodies' levels of acidity and alkalinity are out of balance, we are vulnerable to a variety of diseases.

Ideally, our bodies should have a 20% acidic and 80% alkaline balance. Food keeps our body in this state of balance. Aloe vera helps to keep the body alkaline, which promotes homeostasis. 

In this way, aloe vera helps to keep our health and avoid illness.

14. Helps in the Detox Process

Rather from being fluid, aloe vera naturally has a gel-like consistency. When consumed like juice, it goes through the lining of the digestive tract. In the procedure, all of the toxins are absorbed. Aloe vera helps the body turn the majority of these ingested poisons into feces, which allows the body to eliminate all of them. We might reasonably draw the conclusion that aloe vera detoxifies and cleanses our bodies.

15. Eliminates pimples and redness

Aloe vera contains plant hormones called auxin and gibberellin, which reduce and heal acne and other skin imperfections. They help with cell renewal and the elimination of skin problems. 

Aloe vera provides essential vitamins and minerals that nourish the skin, even when consumed internally.

16. Handles dermatitis and psoriasis

Aloe vera contains lignin, which can eliminate toxins from the skin by penetrating up to seven layers of skin. With lignin, psoriasis and eczema can be treated.

17. Antibacterial and Analgesic

Aloe vera contains salicylic acid, a chemical that functions similarly to aspirin. Strong analgesic and antibacterial properties of salicylic acid help fight internal pathogens while easing pain.

Chemical structure: Chemical composition

Liquid chromatography connected to PDA and high-resolution mass spectrometry were used to chemically characterize four different Aloe plant sections (peel, flowers, gel, and roots). A total of twenty-five phenolic compounds were identified, including several C-flavonoids (orientin and isovitexin), chromones (aloesin and isoaloeresin D), anthracene compounds and derivatives (emodin and aloin A/B), and cinnamic acids and their derivatives (caffeic and chlorogenic acids).

Aloin, which is a blend of beta-, iso-, and barbaloin isomers, makes up 30% of ALOE Vera.All four varieties of aloe include the crystalline glycoside barbaloin, which has a faint yellow color, tastes harsh when tested, and dissolves in water.

Aloe Vera's nutritional value It is a great place to find:

Vitamins A, E, and C


folic acid

Magnesium Calcium

Pure aloe vera juice (100 ml) in a glass contains:

Aloe vera is nutrient-rich. It has minerals and vitamins that are vital to human health.

Eight calories

Protein: zero grams

Zero grams of fat

Two grams of carbs

Fiber: 0 grams


A wide range of aloe products have been consumed by adults. Aloe liquids, gels, extracts, and raw leaves are among them. Adults and children have applied a range of aloe products, such as gels, lotions, mouthwashes, and topical therapies, to their skin. Speak with a healthcare provider about the best product and dose for a particular ailment.

Adverse effects (side effects) 

Applying topically applied aloe vera may cause skin irritation. When used orally, aloe vera may have a laxative effect that causes cramping and diarrhea. Electrolyte abnormalities in the blood can occur in those who take aloe vera for extended periods of time. It may also darken the colon, which would make a colonoscopy challenging. As such, avoid it for one month before having a colonoscopy. Aloe vera gel meant for topical or oral application shouldn't contain aloin since it can irritate the digestive tract.

Perils. Topical aloe vera is not recommended for treating deep cuts or severe burns. Allergies to onions, garlic, or tulips are more likely among those with aloe allergies. large oral doses of aloe vera.

High dosages of aloe vera eaten orally may be hazardous. Avoid using oral aloe vera if you have hemorrhoids, diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, digestive problems, or electrolyte imbalances.Aloe Vera Hazards

See your doctor before using it. Regular use of aloe vera is discouraged by researchers. As a topical sunburn remedy, aloe vera may be safe to use if it is devoid of aloin, a plant component that has been connected to colon cancer in rats. Aloin is found between the outer leaf and the gel inside the aloe plant.


Expert Guidance


1. Consistently using aloe vera for laxative purposes can cause cramping and diarrhea.

2. Aloe vera may cause the bleeding period to lengthen. Patients who use medications that may raise their risk of bleeding or who have bleeding disorders should exercise caution.

3. Refrain from consuming aloe vera gel combined with castor oil as this may result in dehydration and diarrhea.

Steer clear of aloe vera while you have diarrhea as it can exacerbate the illness. Its sedative (Rechana) quality is the cause of this.

Because of its laxative (Rechana) properties, aloe vera should be used with caution if you have irritable bowel syndrome.

scientifically aloe vera allergies can also affect those who are allergic to onions, garlic, or other plants in the Liliaceae family. In such circumstances, seek medical advice before consuming aloe vera.


If you are nursing, stay away from aloe vera as it has been shown to unsafe.

Individuals with diabetes

Blood glucose levels may be lowered with aloe vera. Thus, it is usually recommended to periodically check blood sugar levels when taking aloe vera and other anti-diabetic medications.

those suffering from kidney disorders.

Aloe vera may result in an imbalance in electrolytes and low potassium levels. Thus, it is always recommended to keep an eye on potassium levels when using aloe vera.

Being pregnant

Steer clear of aloe vera when pregnant as it might exacerbate uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.


Principal Partnership

Steer clear of this combo.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) and ALOE interact.

When used orally, aloe latex is a type of laxative known as a stimulant laxative. Potassium levels in the body might fall when laxatives with stimulants are used. Individuals with low potassium may be more susceptible to digoxin adverse effects.

In general, exercise caution when using this combination.

ALOE interacts with anti-diabetic (diabetic) drugs.

Aloe gel has the potential to reduce blood sugar levels. When used in conjunction with diabetes medications, aloe consumption might cause dangerously low blood sugar levels. Pay close attention to your blood sugar levels.

Stimulant laxatives and ALOE interact

One kind of laxative that uses aloe latex is called a stimulant laxative. Stimulant laxatives may cause low potassium levels and diarrhea as side effects.

Aloe latex combined with other stimulant laxatives may exacerbate diarrhea and cause dangerously low potassium levels.

ALOE interacts with warfarin (Coumadin).

One kind of laxative that uses aloe latex is called a stimulant laxative. For certain people, laxatives that stimulate the bowels can hasten the onset of diarrhoea.Diarrhea can worsen the effects of warfarin and increase the risk of bleeding. If you take warfarin, try not to consume too much aloe latex.

Water tablets and other diuretic drugs interact with ALOE.

Aloe latex is a laxative. Certain laxatives decrease potassium levels while increasing the chance of diarrhea. "Water pills" can also be used to reduce potassium levels. When "water pills" are combined with aloe latex, potassium levels might become dangerously low.

Anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs that inhibit blood coagulation interact with ALOE.

Aloe vera may slow the coagulation of blood. When aloe is taken alongside medications that aid in decreasing blood coagulation, the likelihood of bleeding and bruises may increase.

In brief

Aloe vera juice is a wholesome beverage to consume first thing in the morning. It has an abundance of minerals and have many health advantage.

.. Aloe vera juice should be consumed twice a day to reap all the benefits. However, aloe vera juice oxidizes quickly. Therefore, as soon as the pulp from the leaf is removed, you should prepare the juice. 

Although aloe vera offers many wonderful health benefits, there are some disadvantages as well. When making aloe vera juice, take care to remove the latex from the leaves to prevent severe diarrhea and upset stomach.

Pregnant women should refrain from consuming aloe vera juice since it may cause contractions and labor pains. If you feel sick to your stomach, have nausea, vomiting, or an allergic reaction, get medical help before using aloe vera juice. 

Always consume it in moderation to avoid bad effects. Aloe vera juice overuse can result in kidney stones, diarrhea, and electrolyte abnormalities...

Like all good things, aloe vera juice should be used in moderation. Please be advised that you should not always rely on internet conversations. As a result, pay attention to your health and only include nutritious items if they are suitable for you.


This website's content is offered only for educational purposes and is not intended to take the place of medical advice from a qualified practitioner. Since every person has different needs, the rea

der should consult their physician to see whether the material is appropriate for their situation.

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