Can We use Amla to cure different types of diseases?

 Medicinal plant Amla 


    In general, amla is referred to as an Indian gooseberry. Because of their therapeutic qualities, the berries of the trees are powerfully utilized in pharmaceutical preparations. Small, spherical, yellowish-green berries that are found on amla trees are present. It should be described to as a superfood because of its many health advantages. The Amla is referred to by various names in classical Ayurveda, including sour, nurse, immortality, and mother.

    Amla has five distinct flavors, including pungent, astringent, sweet, bitter, and sour. In addition to this, it promotes greater physical and mental wellness. Because of this, it is referred to be a "divine medicine," or "Divyaushada." Sanskrit refers to amla as amalaki, which translates to "nectar of life."

    विद्यादमलके सर्वान् रसांल्लवणवर्जितान्।
    रूक्षं स्वादु कषायाम्लं कफपित्तहरं परम्।।

    The shalok previously described is from Charak Sutrasthana 27. The shaloka describes the unique quality of amla, which is that it contains all five rasas with the exception of salt. This plant's testes are swadu (sweet), rooksh (dry), and astringent . It aids in bringing kapha and pitta into balance.


    Botanical name 

    Phyllanthus emblica Linn, the botanical name.
    officinal embelica

    Common name

    English indian gooseberry
    Latin emblica officinalis
    Hindi amla
    Sanskrit amalki,dhatri,shriphala,amrutaphala,sheetalphala
    Malyalam nelli
    Kannada nelli
    Telugu useeri kaya,usheeri kaya
    Tamil nellikai
    Farsi amlaj

    Chemical composition of Amla

    Carotene and ascorbic acid are abundant in amla fruit. It contains a variety of polyphenols, including corilagin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, apigenin, quercetin, and luteolin. The table below provides an estimated breakdown of the ingredients in amla.

    (per 100 g) ComponentContent (per 100 g)10 g carbohydrate, 80 g protein, and 50 g fat.sum of calories44 KcalIron 0.31 mg, Calcium 25 mg, Magnesium 10 mg, Fiber 4.31 g198 mg potassium, 0.12 mg zinc

    usage of conventional medicine

    Fruits of the plant, both dried and fresh, are utilized in traditional Indian medicine. Every component of the plant, including the fruit, seed, leaves, root, bark, and flowers, is utilized in various herbal Ayurvedic medicine preparations. According to Ayurveda, the primary flavors of amla fruit are sour (amla) and astringent (kashaya), with secondary flavors including sweet (madhura), bitter (tikta), and pungent (katu). The post-digestive impact (vipaka) is sweet (madhura), its attributes (gunas) are light (laghu) and dry (ruksha), and its energy (virya) is cooling (shita).
    Indian gooseberry is a frequent element in Ayurvedic polyherbal formulas, most notably serving as the main constituent of the historic herbal rasayana Chyawanprash.

    The high tannin content of Indian gooseberry fruit works as a mordant to fix colours in fabrics and is frequently used in inks, shampoos, and hair products.

    Amla's medicinal uses 

    • Amla and digestion

    Amla berries have an adequate amount of soluble dietary fibers. Irritable bowel syndrome may be alleviated by the fiber's involvement in controlling bowel movements. Amla aids in a good number of important minerals being absorbed because of its greater vitamin C content. As a result, it works well with various health supplements.

    • In Diabetes, Amla

    Amla has long been used as a natural therapy to manage or control diabetes. Stress-related disorders are the primary cause of diabetes.vitamin C is abundant in amla. It is an effective antioxidant that will aid in counteracting the production of free radicals and the effects of oxidative stress.ragular intake of goods containing amla can lower your risk of developing diabetes. The fibers in amla can assist in absorbing extra sugar in the body to maintain normal blood sugar levels through a different process. Almonds can thus aid in the proper treatment of diabetes if you include them in your diabetes diet plan.

    • Amla and High Blood Pressure

    • Amla contains a lot of different antioxidants. The ability of antioxidants to scavenge free radicals produced by the body when under stress is well documented. 
    • Amla has a significant potassium content in addition to antioxidants. As a result, patients with blood pressure issues frequently include potassium in their diets because of its potential to control blood pressure
    • Potassium's main method of controlling hypertension is widening blood arteries, which further lowers the likelihood of blood pressure. 
    • Amla juice consumption in this case might be beneficial.

    • Mental health and amla

    Antioxidants included in amla berries have a potent potential to quench free radicals, which helps prevent brain cell damage and improve memory. This may be the cause of Amla's success in treating dementia patients.

    • Amla oil and healthy hair

    Amla oil has long been used as a home treatment to promote hair development. Regular usage of a coconut oil and amla mixture for massaging the hair will improve hair development. Amla oil can encourage hair follicles for greater hair growth. When using Amla oil to treat hair, the length and volume improve. Vitamin C, which is present, aids in raising collagen levels. Through the replacement of dead hair cells on the scalp, this has a direct impact on the growth of new hairs. Amla not only promotes hair growth but also avoids dandruff issues by moisturizing the scalp. Vitamin C stops hair from itching and scaling because of its potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

    Premature greying, according to Ayurveda, is caused by too much pitta. Amla hence aids in lowering pitta to delay the occurrence of graying hair. Amal is used in several formulations of hair colorants because of this.

    • Amla and shedding pounds

    A slow metabolism could be the cause of the fat buildup. Unwanted fat might occur as a result of irregular eating patterns. Amla aids in the removal of toxins from the body and aids in preventing the production of fat. For weight loss, it is typically advised to consume raw amla, amla candies, and amla powder with lukewarm water.

    • Amla and healthy skin

    A natural blood purifier is found in amla (gooseberry), and regular use of such items might improve skin glow. The amla products can also aid in the treatment of certain skin allergies.

    • better eyesight

    A, which is known to improve eye health, is also abundant in amla. Amla berries' vitamin A aids with vision improvement. Additionally, it can lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration and conjunctivitis.

    • Polycystic ovary syndrome and amla

    Amla can aid in the body's natural detoxification process during the menstrual cycle and helps to keep hormone levels balanced, both of which will increase a woman's fertility.

    Tips for Taking Amalaki

    Amalaki has a wide range of applications and advantages, therefore there are infinite ways to employ it both internally and externally to support robust health.
    One of the most conventional ways to consume amalaki is to mix the powder with warm water or another anupan (carrier material), like milk, honey, or ghee.
    Product Development Powder dosage per day Amla powder, 12 teaspoon, and lukewarm water . twice Capsules After meals, take 1–2 Amla capsules with lots of water. Twice Tablet After meals, take 1–2 Amla capsules with lots of water.2 times
    Candy After meals, take 1 to 3 Amla candies.- Juice Before eating, take 3–4 tablespoons of amla juice.2 times
    Other than the aforementioned supplements, a variety of goods, including amla murabba, amla-carrot-beetroot juice, and amla chutney, are sold at nearby supermarkets.

    Caution when consuming Amla

    Consuming Amla products can raise the risk of bleeding for some allergic persons.
    Amla should be consumed by diabetics with caution because it can significantly lower blood sugar levels when consumed.

    The dosage of amla juice may cause skin dryness.
    Amal should not be consumed if you are coughing or have worsened Kapha issues.
    Amla is not advised before, during, or following surgery since it may increase the risk of bleeding.

    Amalaki is it safe?

    All doshas are usually thought to be safe for the revitalizing, adaptogenic herb amalaki, which is especially advantageous for pitta. Nevertheless, there are a few situations where it's wise to use caution.


    In circumstances of excessive amla or when kapha is particularly severe, amla should be avoided. Because amalaki and iron can form chelates and lower the quantity of useable iron in the blood, there is some evidence to urge care in people with an iron shortage.

    Before taking amalaki, we advise anyone who are expecting, nursing, or taking medication to consult with their doctor or an ayurvedic practitioner.

    Modern Amalaki Research

    Amalaki's advantages have been well studied scientifically, both as a stand-alone supplement and as a component of chyavanprash and triphala. The following recent research condense some of these conclusions:

    the title of the study is "Clinical Evaluation of Emblica Officinalis Gatertn (Amla) in Healthy Human Subjects: Health Benefits and Safety Results from a Randomized, Double-blind, Crossover Placebo-controlled Study." Exploring the Multifaceted Neuroprotective Actions of Emblica officinalis (Amla), PubMed Abstract 2019 .20.2019 ; PubMed Abstract 23
    The article is titled "Emblica officinalis (Amla): A Review for its Phytochemistry, Ethnomedicinal Uses, and Medicinal Potentials." 2016; PubMed Abstract; 24
    A Traditional Bioactive Health Supplement from India is called "Chyawanprash." 2019.25 in PubMed Abstract.
    Triphala's therapeutic applications in ayurvedic medicine. 2017; PubMed Abstract; 26


    Ayurvedic Amalaki
    For thousands of years, Amalaki has been revered in the Ayurvedic tradition. All three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha—are known to be calmed by it, but pitta is the one it calms the most.

    Amalaki is described as having a rasa (taste) that is primarily sour, as well as sweet, pungent, bitter, and astringent, in the energetic language of Ayurveda. It has a cooling virya (activity) and a sweet vipaka (post-digestive effect).

    According to Ayurveda, the taste sensation is where digestion starts. Amalaki enhances hunger, promotes digestion, and agni (the digestive fire) because it has five of the six tastes and lacks only the salty taste.

    Amalaki stimulates the digestive fire without harming or upsetting pitta, despite the fact that its dominant flavor is sour, which can aggravate pitta-type digestion. In fact, because of its cooling properties and bitter taste, it is especially well adapted to removing extra pitta from the digestive system.


    • Is Amla (gooseberry) helpful for cancer patients?
    • Does Amla help with diarrhea?
    • Does amla benefit hair?
    • Can I frequently eat amla to lose weight?


    The information on this website is provided solely for educational reasons and is not meant to replace professional medical care. The reader should speak with their doctor to evaluate whether the information is appropriate for their circumstance because everyone has different needs.

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