Can we use the harad in different types of medicinal purposes?

 Medicinal plant Harad


    Ayurvedic plant harad, also known by its botanical name Terminalia chebula, is a member of the Combretaceae family. It is also known as the King of Medicine because of its exceptional health advantages. The Middle East and tropical nations like China, India, and Thailand are home to the harad plant. It is a huge, tropical evergreen tree with thick, cracked, black bark. You can nibble on its seeds. Harad fruit ranges in color from yellow to orange-brown.2 It is also one among the components of the well-known ayurvedic remedy Triphala, which is used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal ailments.


    There are various names for harad.
    Other names of Harad include Harre, Harad, Harar in Hindi; Myrobalan in English;

     Abhay ¡, K ¡yasth ¡, áiv ¡, Pathy ¡, Vijay ¡ in Sanskrit;

     Shilikha in Assamese;

     Haritaki in Bengali; 

    Hirdo, Himaja, Pulo-harda in Gujrati; 

    Alalekai in Kannada; 

    Halela in Kashmiri;

     Katukka in Malayalam;

     Hirda, Haritaki, Harda, Hireda in Marathi;

     Harida in Oriya;

     Halela, Harar in Punjabi;

     Kadukkai in Tamil;

     Karaka, Karakkaya in Telugu;

     Halela in Urdu.


    Harad's chemical composition:

    Beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol used to lower cholesterol levels, phenolic acids, benzoic acids, cinnamic acids, flavonoids, and glycosides are only a few of the chemical substances in harad that have antioxidant properties. Harad also contains nutritional elements like fructose, fatty acids, and amino acids.

    Harad's beneficial properties include: anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, heart-protective, antioxidant, anti-microbial, helping to protect the nerves, suppressing the immune system, aiding in improving cognition (mental action and learning), anti-diabetic (prevent diabetes), aiding in liver protection, anti-viral activity, laxative (relieves constipation), and more.

    Let's learn the age-old method for treating bronchitis and getting relief! Allow Harad to be your dependable ally on the road to wellness for everything from acidity to heartburn, constipation to diarrhea. It's thought that harad has anti-inflammatory qualities.

    The fruits of Harad have long been employed in Ayurveda, Unani, and homeopathic systems of medicine, among other conventional medical practices.  Several phytochemicals, including polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, alkaloids, terpenes, and glycosides, are present in plant of harad. The he benefits that harad offers could be applied to a variety of ailments and conditions.

    Medicinal uses 

    Harad's applications in cancer

    In laboratory tests, the phenolic chemicals found in harad have demonstrated good anti-cancer efficacy. Several types of cancer cells, including human breast cancer cells, human bone cancer cells, and prostate cancer cells, may be induced to die or proliferate in number by harad fruit extract, according to lab-scale studies.
    To justify the use of harad in cancer, more research is necessary. It is advised against using any plant without first visiting a physician. 

    Harad's applications as an antioxidant

    Due to their phenolic components, the fruits, leaves, and bark of harad have strong antioxidant qualities.Harad extract may interfere with free radicals, which harm DNA and proteins in the body, and suppress oxidizing enzymes. This could reduce bodily inflammation.  

    Harad's applications in diabetes

    In numerous lab studies, harad fruit has demonstrated anti-diabetic benefits. In addition, it could be able to lower blood glucose levels in diabetic rats, according to both short- and long-term animal trials. We might be able to prove that harad can be used to prevent or treat diabetes in humans with larger human trials. You must follow your doctor's recommendations and treatment plans if you have diabetes, a serious medical disease. Never use a herb or cure without first talking to your doctor.

    Harad's applications in liver

    According to studies on animals, harad fruits may significantly preserve the liver and lessen liver cell damage. Ty may also aid in preventing drug-induced liver cell damage. However, it is advised against using any herb or cure if you have liver issues without first consulting your doctor.

    Harassment's  to Spread Infections.

    1.Harad's potential applications for bacterial infections

    Harad may has antibacterial efficacy against a variety of contagious bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfingens. Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach cancer, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), and stomach ulcers, may also be resistant to it. Additionally, Harad seeds may have a detrimental impact on the development of microorganisms that cause digestive tract illnesses such Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, and Klebsiella.
    We shall be able to comprehend the full scope of the impacts of harad on humans with larger human trials.

    2. Potential uses of harad for viral infection

    Harad might possess antiviral properties. It might defend against the influenza A virus and hasten the recovery process after upper respiratory tract infections. In a lab test, it might prevent the enzymes required for viral development. Additionally, it might be therapeutically effective against the herpes simplex virus and inhibit the growth of human cytomegalovirus.

    3. Potential uses of harad for fungal infection

    In laboratory tests, harad extract shown effective antifungal activity against a variety of yeasts and dermatophytes. These fungi can infect the skin. Harad extract also demonstrated antifungal action against pathogenic fungus like Candida albicans, Epidermophyton, Floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, and Trichophyton rubrum.

    To justify the use of harad in human infections, more research is necessary. As a result, refrain from using harad or any other herb for infections without first consulting a physician.

    Harad's potential applications for inflammation

    Harad dried fruit extract may exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. It might prevent the blood molecule nitric oxide, which causes inflammation, from forming. In addition, studies on animals suggest that harad seeds' Chebulagic acid may delay the start and progression of arthritis (joint inflammation).

    Harad's potential benefits for the heart

    In an experiment with animals, harad extract was able to lower blood lipid and cholesterol levels. This activity might aid in controlling atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fat on blood vessel walls. The pericarp of the harad fruit also exhibited cardioprotective (heart-protective) qualities. Additionally, research on animals suggests that harad extract may prevent heart issues. You must see a doctor and receive treatment if you have any heart conditions. For the prevention or treatment of heart issues, avoid using harad or herbal medicines.  

    Harad's potential benefits for the stomach

    In the literature, the advantages of harad as a laxative are widely documented. Constipation management may benefit from laxative characteristics. Harad might facilitate full bowel evacuation. Harsh fruit may prolong the time needed for the stomach to should see a doctor and get treatment if you have this heart disease, as harad treats it. For the prevention or treatment of heart issues, avoid using harad or herbal medicines.  

    1. Poor digestion

    By creating a wholesome intestinal environment and improving the absorption of nutrients from the diet, harad enhances digestion. Its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics are to blame for this. In addition, the laxative Rechana characteristic of Harad can help with constipation.

    2. indigestion

    Due to its Rechana (laxative) characteristic, Harad can help treat constipation if it is prepared into a paste and consumed at night.

    An improvement in the secretion of stomach glands, which shields the stomach against duodenal ulcers, seemed to counteract this impact. However, stomach issues could be a sign of a major gastrointestinal issue. Therefore, before using harad for a stomach issue, you must speak with your doctor.

    Harassment's Other Potential Uses: 

    1. Losing weight

    Due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) characteristics, Harad aids in the removal of toxins from the body and maintains a healthy digestive tract. By enhancing metabolism and ensuring normal food digestion, it aids in weight management.

    2. Cold and Cough

    Harad's ability to balance Kapha makes it effective for naturally preventing cough and cold.
    To balance Kapha, take harad with salt.

    3. Limited Immunity

    Harad's Rasayana (rejuvenating) characteristic boosts immunity and lengthens life.

    4. Skin conditions

    Harad's Pitta-balancing properties assist treat skin problems by cleaning the blood. Additionally, because of its Rasayana (rejuvenating) effect, it aids in the creation of new skin cells by eliminating old skin cells.

    5. Arthritis

    Harad's ability to balance Vata contributes to its ability to treat joint pain and lengthen the life of tissues, muscles, and bones. Take harad with ghee for a balanced impact on the vata.

    6. Alzheimer's disease

    Harad's Rasayana (rejuvenating) and Vata balancing properties assist the nervous system be stronger and control the diseases that are associated to it.
    Ophthalmia (eye diseases), hemorrhoids (piles), bleeding gums, and mouth ulcers are a few conditions it might aid with.

    Its water-based paste might have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in addition to promoting wound healing.

    In cases of oral ulcers and sore throats, a Harad fruit decoction can be gargled.

    Its powder may work well as an astringent dentifrice to treat bleeding gums, loose gums, and gum ulcers.

    Using harad extract as an oral rinse may help lower overall bacterial counts in saliva samples. This preventive effect persisted for three hours after rinsing, suggesting that harad may help stop tooth cavities.
    Even while studies have shown the benefits of harad in a number of circumstances, they are insufficient, and further research is required to determine the full range of harad's health benefits for people.

    How to Harass People

    Harad has a wide range of properties, which include the following:

    • You can use the fruit paste on your skin.
    • Additionally, a decoction of the fruit can be made and gargled with.
    • Oral usage of the fruit powder is possible.
    • Before taking harad or any herbal supplements, you must speak with a licensed physician. 
    • Similarly, avoid stopping or switching from a current course of modern medicine to an ayurvedic or herbal preparation without first consulting a licensed medical professional. 

    Harad's side effects 

    Harad's side effects were undetectable in experiments conducted on rats.3 Not enough information was provided regarding the main adverse effect of harad use in humans. However, contact your healthcare practitioner right away if you notice any negative effects after using harad.

    Additionally, stay away from utilizing harad for its medicinal properties without first visiting your doctor. You'll be able to prevent negative impacts.
    Harad Safety: There are a few general safety measures you should follow when using harad.
    Lean, fasting, depressed, pitta (pitta has the qualities of a hot, light body), or very weak people should consume harad with caution.

    Precautions to take with harad

    When using harad, pregnant women should use caution. It ought to be used under medical guidance.
    Only after speaking with an Ayurvedic doctor should the elderly, young children, and nursing mothers utilize harad with caution.
    Make sure you have spoken with your healthcare practitioner about any potential precautions you might need to take before taking harad or other herbal treatments to treat a disease condition.

    Interaction with Other Drugs:

    Because harad lowers blood sugar levels, people taking diabetes medications should exercise caution when using it. Combining harad with anti-diabetic medicine may result in an excessive drop in blood sugar levels. Additionally, if you are taking medications for a medical condition, talk to your doctor about any potential drug interactions with herbs and other medications. You can avoid any undesirable drug interactions by doing this.


    In India, the plant harad is sometimes referred to as harade. It offers numerous Ayurvedic health advantages. Harad is a wonderful plant that can aid in preventing hair loss and encouraging hair growth. This is a result of the presence of vitamin C, iron, manganese, selenium, and copper, which give the scalp the best sustenance.

    हरीतकी प चरसाइलवणा तुवरा परम्। 
    रूक्षोष्णा दीपनी मेथ्या स्वादुपाका रसायनी॥

    चक्षुष्या लघुरायुष्या बृंहणी चानुलोमिनी। 

    श्वासकासप्रमेहार्शः कुष्ठशोथोदरक्रिमीन्।
    वैस्वर्यग्रहणीरोगविबन्धविषमज्वरान् । 

    This sloka from the Ayurveda texts lists the qualities of Harad, which include Ruksha (dry), Deepan (appetizer), Medhya (increasing intelligence), and Rasayana (rejuvenating). Due to its Chakshuya (excellent for eyes) and Brahan (improves health) natures, the use of Harad is advantageous for eyes and general weakness.
    As a result of its Vata Anuloma (Vata balancing) function, it also aids in reducing body aches. Harad can help with dyspnea and other cough-related issues as well. Due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive), it also aids in easing digestive issues.

    The oil extracted from Harad seeds is used to increase the gastrointestinal tract's motility. In cases of persistent constipation, this aids in promoting bowel movements and facilitates the simple elimination of stool. Due to its antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties, taking harad powder (combined with water) two times a day helps to strengthen the immune system by preventing cell damage.

    You'll be better able to make decisions thanks to this.


    The information on this website is provided solely for educational reasons and is not meant to replace professional medical care. The reader should speak with their doctor to evaluate whether the information is appropriate for their circumstance because everyone has different needs.

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